Welcome back, everyone. I hope the spring holiday was a relaxing and enjoyable one for you all. I relaxed. I feel refreshed. I am ready for anything!
The weather during the holiday was warm and sunny. It was perfect holidaying weather.
Last time I asked you about the differences between the following MODAL VERBS: must, have to and need to. Here are the explanations.
These modal verbs are all modals expressing necessity.
I must study.
-MUST shows a personal belief. Must comes from my personal values, so it feels very strong.
I have to study.
-HAVE TO shows a social, or external expectation. It is from society and other people.
I need to study.
-NEED TO shows both internal values and external expectations.
The challenge for today is the following:
Pronunciation is not an easy thing to study. It takes muscles and effort.
Why are some words linked and some not linked?
For example: (The underscore marks show where linking occurs while the spaces between words without an underscore are not linked.)
My name_is Michael.
His name_is_Antonio.
Please try these.
There is a large orange hot air balloon in the sky.
The toys in the store are all for sale at a discount.
Have you ever eaten at an Indian restaurant?
My coffee is cold. Could I have a fresh cup?
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.