Hi everyone!!!
It has been a great week! There have been several new starts this week.
Firstly, let me tell you that we have new staff at Lead English. Two new members have joined us.
CHIZURU will be working on Thursdays and Saturdays. She is a very friendly and kind person who speaks excellent English. She can help you if you have any questions about your studies. Chizuru says that her name is difficult to pronounce, so she would like us all to call her ‘M‘. I am sure that you will enjoy chatting with her. Come and visit her on Thursdays and Saturdays.
KYOKO will be working from time to time. Kyoko also speaks excellent English and will delight you with her warm and friendly personality. Kyoko will be working irregular hours and only when we need someone to cover when Mika or ‘M’ are not able to be at the school.
Please help me to welcome them to our school. I hope that they will both enjoy spending time with us all.
Another new thing is a PARTY!!!
We will be having our Halloween Party on Halloween night! Saturday October 31st!!! Of course it is a costume party and we will have a great time. It will be a POT-LUCK party so start thinking what you would like to prepare for your old and new friends. It will also be an opportunity for you all to meet ‘M’ and Kyoko.
The third new thing is for Antonio. He has a new desk. The old one was replaced and he is very happy with it. He now has more space and will not be so cramped. Congratulations!!!
Well, that is a lot of new for one week. I hope that you all come by to meet and have a cup of something with our new staff members M and Kyoko. I look forward to working with them for a long time.
New things are always good things which are welcomed with open arms. Do you know the saying A CHANGE IS AS GOOD AS A REST? It is quite restful at the moment in Hatsudai because there are several wonderful changes!!